Guangzhou Carton Factory custom-made cartons, Guangzhou Fanye Carton Packaging Factory is the first choice. Guangzhou Fanye Carton Packaging Factory is located at the intersection of Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway and has very convenient transportation. Guangzhou Carton Factory has a variety of advanced machinery such as: flat laminating presses, thin knife paper separators, two-color and three-color printing machines with generous and natural colors, gorgeous offset printing machines, high-speed rotary slotting and creasing machines, A variety of oversized beer box die-cutting machines and various nailing machines, etc. A complete series of flow production lines greatly improves production efficiency. The carton factory customizes American kraft cartons and Taiwan yellow cartons. Guangzhou Carton Factory supplies various paper types: corrugated boxes, corrugated boxes, corrugated boxes, B corrugated boxes, corrugated boxes, B corrugated boxes, corrugated boxes, corrugated boxes, B corrugated boxes, corrugated boxes, corrugated boxes, B corrugated boxes, corrugated paper box, corrugated box, corrugated box, B corrugated box, corrugated box, corrugated box, B corrugated box, corrugated box, corrugated box, B corrugated box, corrugated box, corrugated box, corrugated box, corrugated box, corrugated box, waterproof whiteboard Paper.
For those who want to buy cartons, Guangzhou Carton Factory recommends Guangzhou Carton Factory. This company specializes in the production of cartons of various specifications
and has also introduced a large number of international high-tech advanced production equipment. It can be specially designed and manufactured according to the different needs of users, and absolutely guarantees quality and quantity to meet customers' needs
Require. On the basis of the performance of similar products, based on many years of manufacturing experience, many customer opinions are adopted to make the product quality more stable, beautiful and perfect! The quality of its products has been recognized by the industry. Next, let Guangzhou Carton Factory talk about: How to ensure the quality of single-sided corrugated cardboard?
First: The quality of single-sided corrugated cardboard is determined by the quality of the base paper, the corrugated flute type, the working temperature of the corrugating machine, the quality of the adhesive, the machine operating speed, and the operator's technical level. . Generally, when the base paper mix is reasonable and the quality can meet production needs, it is necessary to check whether the corrugating peaks of the single-facer machine are seriously worn. If the normal corrugating type should be square, after long-term use, due to factors such as sand content in the paper or the hardness of the corrugating roller itself, the corrugating roller's corrugating peaks will become semicircular. In this condition, the equipment will produce The compressive strength of single-sided cardboard is greatly reduced. In addition, if the pressure roller is too pressurized and the temperature of the corrugating machine is too high, the single-sided cardboard corrugated board will easily break.
Second: The vehicle speed should be controlled at a medium speed lower than the design speed of the equipment, and the adhesive viscosity should be adjusted to . If it is found that the adhesive precipitates and the yellow water has a peculiar smell, it should be updated immediately, so it is required The operator must be skilled, have a high sense of responsibility, have good professional ethics, and be able to flexibly adjust the pressure and speed of each roller according to the actual production conditions, so as to ensure the quality of single-sided corrugated board.
Provide cartons, packaging boxes, airplane boxes